Why Don’t I Need My Gallbladder?

Why Don’t I Need My Gallbladder?

Finding out you should have your gallbladder removed is a bit stressful and scary. It’s surgery, which can always be nerve-wracking to go through. Also, you might be wondering why — when your gallbladder is one of your organs — it’s safe to remove it all. 

At Bergen Bariatric and Surgical Solutions P.C., we perform safe, effective gallbladder removal surgeries for those who need them. Our provider Dr. Mikhail A. Botvinov will go through your options with you and help you find the best choice for your needs.

What the gallbladder does — and how problems occur 

The gallbladder’s job is to store bile inside the body and then transfer bile into the small intestine. Bile is necessary to break down your food and help your body absorb fat from the food. Foods that are high in fat require more bile to break them down. 

Sometimes, the gallbladder will experience a problem where small stones begin to form inside it. Called gallstones, they occur when too much cholesterol or bilirubin builds up in the bile. They might also result from too little bile salts or the gallbladder not emptying as completely or frequently as it should. 

There isn’t a consensus on why this happens in the medical field. Foods high in cholesterol and fat may be linked to gallstones, but this isn’t the only reason they could potentially form. When gallstones form, the bile can’t leave the gallbladder, leading to sharp pains. If it is blocking bile ducts, it can cause jaundice (yellow skin) and it is a serious problem. The pain is usually just under the ribcage or near the upper, right-hand side, to the back or center of the stomach. 

How gallbladder removal can help

There are, of course, home remedies that can help with gallbladder pain. These include putting a warm compress on your body for ten minutes at a time, drinking peppermint tea, and staying hydrated. But don’t delay, when the pain becomes unbearable, you should consider gallbladder surgery. 

The procedure involves laparoscopic techniques that make it much easier, safer, and less invasive than gallbladder surgery was in the past. You will be placed under sedation, allowing you to sleep through the procedure. When you wake up, there won’t be a large scar but just a few small incisions. And usually you will go home the same day. 

Why you don’t need your gallbladder 

Your gallbladder isn’t an essential organ. This is because the liver creates the bile and can allow it to drip straight into your small intestine without the aid of your gallbladder. Without your gallbladder, your body will continue to function normally.

Removing your gallbladder doesn’t change your life drastically. It can, however, be important to avoid fattier foods and large amounts of caffeine after removing your gallbladder. You should also avoid high-fiber foods while your body adjusts to gallbladder removal. But it won’t change your life at all in a negative way to have your gallbladder taken out. 

Your gallbladder isn’t an essential organ and if it is creating a problem for your health it can be safely removed…

If you’re in constant pain or discomfort from gallstones, seeking help is important. Call us at 201-778-5344 or visit us online to make an appointment at our office in Westwood, NJ, today.

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