How Your BMI Can Determine the Health of Your Body Weight

How Your BMI Can Determine the Health of Your Body Weight

You may have heard the term BMI before and may already know it has something to do with your weight. But have you ever wondered if your BMI can tell you whether your weight is unhealthy — and what to do if it is? 

Determining your BMI is a quick, simple way to know more about your weight and whether it’s healthy. If it’s not, it may be time to consider bariatric surgery.

At Bergen Bariatric and Surgical Solutions P.C., we offer bariatric surgery and other tests and treatments for weight-related health issues. Dr. Mikhail A. Botvinov is a board-certified surgeon specializing in laparoscopic surgery, a fantastic option for those whose BMIs show serious health risks. 

BMI 101

BMI stands for body mass index. It’s a simple test that involves dividing the square of your height in meters by your weight in kilograms. The calculation was invented over 200 years ago by astronomer and statistician Lambert Adolphe Jacque Quetelet. 

Your BMI can fall under one of four categories. 

Your BMI and your health

People who don’t fall within the normal range are more likely to experience health problems associated with their weight. Your BMI tells you whether or not you are at risk for weight-related health problems and their severity. 

If you have a high BMI, you are at risk for several health problems, including 

You may already be dealing with one or more of these problems besides being overweight or obese. If this is the case, it’s time to consider your weight loss options. Diet and exercise are still recommended for many patients who need to lose weight for their health.

However, you may realize diet and exercise aren’t right for you. Perhaps your BMI is high, and it’ll be difficult for you to lose weight. Or maybe you currently suffer from a condition related to your weight (like one of those listed above) and a high BMI. If this is the case, bariatric surgery could be the answer. 

Calculate your BMI today

You can calculate your BMI at home by taking your accurate weight and height and plugging them into the formula cited here. Then, determine where you fall on the BMI chart. If you have a BMI of over 40 or over 35 with a comorbid illness related to your health, you qualify for bariatric surgery. 

To learn more about how bariatric surgery can help you, just call our Westwood, New Jersey, office at 201-778-5344 or book an appointment online at your convenience.

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