Beyond Weight Loss: Bariatric Surgery and Blood Pressure Control

 Beyond Weight Loss: Bariatric Surgery and Blood Pressure Control

May is High Blood Pressure Awareness Month, and May 17th is World Hypertension Day. It’s extremely important to be aware of this condition because it can be prevented, although it’s often associated with genetics. Once it takes hold, though, it becomes a lifelong condition that requires treatment. 

You might be wondering about the best ways to prevent and treat hypertension, especially if you do know that it runs in your family. For some people, weight loss is an incredibly helpful choice for overall health and controlling hypertension. If you’re overweight and experiencing serious problems with your blood pressure, bariatric surgery could be an option.

Bergen Bariatric and Surgical Solutions offers several types of bariatric surgery performed by our provider, Dr. Mikhail A. Botvinov. We know this procedure is extremely helpful for those who require weight loss as a treatment for a serious condition, such as uncontrolled hypertension.   

How weight affects blood pressure 

It’s common to believe weight gain or excess weight simply causes hypertension on its own. But this isn’t always true. Not every overweight person has high blood pressure. And the reasons hypertension is associated with weight gain are actually considerably complex. 

Excess fat can create side effects, such as pressure on the kidneys, insulin resistance, visceral adiposity, increased sodium reabsorption, and others. Not every person will experience all of these, but enough of these elements together can trigger an adverse effect on blood pressure. In turn, this increases the risk of heart attack, stroke, kidney problems, and more.

Bariatric surgery and blood pressure control

So, we’ve established that, for some individuals, weight gain leads to high blood pressure. But what can you do about it? Of course, diet and exercise are a part of losing weight, no matter how you choose to undertake the journey, but for some, this can be a tough road. If you are very overweight and require more immediate results, bariatric surgery may be the answer.

Bariatric surgery allows you to lose considerable weight quickly and keep it off with the following regimen. This can help you ensure your body can better manage its blood pressure safely and faster. 

This treatment can also help you avoid taking medication for blood pressure, decrease inflammation in the body, and improve issues like insulin resistance. For those who have incredibly high blood pressure and struggle to lose weight naturally in a fast enough manner, bariatric surgery can be a perfect solution for controlling high blood pressure. 

Managing your blood pressure in the long run 

Of course, other elements are associated with controlling your blood pressure, and using these in tandem with bariatric surgery will allow you to live a safe and healthy life. They include managing stress; decreasing intake of alcoholic beverages, salty snacks, and other unhealthy foods; quitting smoking; and getting regular physical activity. 

What’s more, once you’ve had bariatric surgery, recovery requires you to make certain lifestyle changes that are also helpful for controlling your blood pressure. All in all, your body will thank you, and you’ll begin to feel healthier and happier in the long run. 

Lower your blood pressure with surgery today

Bariatric surgery is a fantastic option for those who need to lower their blood pressure due to intense weight gain. We can happily discuss the treatment with you and answer any questions you have about weight and its effects on blood pressure. 

To learn more, visit us at our Westwood, NJ, office today. Call 201-778-5344 or visit us online to make an appointment.

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